"And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." -Kitty O'Meara
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." -Kitty O'Meara
Needless to say this is a difficult time for everyone. Whether you are struggling with the loss of a job, isolation from family or friends, or struggling to be a stay at home parent and working fulltime, to name just a few, we can all connect on the fact that the world changed in a matter of weeks and we are being asked to adjust our entire way of being. We can begin by connecting to patience and compassion we all need at this moment.
One question I often ask my clients, "If you weren't so busy, what would you be thinking about?"
There are a lot of triggers we are all being confronted with. Whether it be an avoided difficulty in a partnership, family conflict, a fear of being alone, a question of our meaning and purpose as maybe our role has changed (provider, stay at home caretaker and full-time employee). We may be tempted to lose ourselves in T.V., Facebook, and other social media, but instead can we use this collectively painful experience to reflect, lean into our fears, and challenge ourselves to find what is the most meaningful part of life? Can we use this time to look at what we have been avoiding and explore, learn, and grow from it? How can we adapt and navigate through a whole new normal? What is this trigegring for us?
"What the caterpillar calls the end, the world calls a butterfly."
-Lao Xu
We may not see the whole picture as of now. We are in the stage of transformation. We are in our cacoons (homes) transforming and discovering a new reality. We can use this time to play an active role in this this metamorphosis that symbolizes the caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
Ideas on how to go inward...
Although we may have more time than we ever imagined, not all of it has to be spent on facing some of our shadows. I recommend exploring some of these options for 20-30 minutes a day, then go do something fun (I have ideas for that too).
Is there anger stirring up? Write an unsent, unfiltered anger letter to whomever or whatever is triggering this (a situation-maybe Covid-19). Use this time to unbury was has been dormant or suppressed. If there is excess anger that is being outwardly expressed in an unhealthy way, try to write an empathy letter to whomever or whatever is triggering this.
Lean into this. Notice the sadness; are there tears you are holding back? Can you allow them to be there? Can you honor the pain that you feel by compassionately allowing yourself to feel? Maybe you can journal or write an unsent letter to the person or the situation that is hurting you.
Ask yourself, "What can I choose right now?" "If I had all the courage (not recklessness-stay inside) in the world, what would I do?" "What am I afraid of?" Lean in...notice the fear, be present with it. The more we run from something the more it grows and unconsciously controls us.
Make a Values List
What are the things that you most value in your life? Are you living your life in accordance to these values? What needs to change?
Everything in moderation. Although it is very important to reflect and explore our wounds and triggers, it is just as important to balance that with joy and finding meaning and purpose to all of this.
It may seem like there isn't anything going right in the world, but take a moment and reflect. What are you grateful for today? Write down at least 3 things a day.
Learn Something New
What is something you have always wanted to learn or do more of in your life? Now is the time!
-Learn a new language
-Learn how to play an instrument that has been sitting in your house
Create a Schedule/Routine
Although we may have all this free time, it is extremely important to create structure. If you are struggling with this, make a schedule the night before on what you will do the next day.
More Ideas...
-Meditate (link below)
-Do yoga or other type of exercise
-Foster a pet (link below)
-Read a book (minimize exposure to news)
-Reach out to a friend, family member, or neighbor
-Have a Zoom party!
-Connect with nature. Notice something that you have never noticed before on your walks. Take the time to notice each tree, each flower, the color, the texture. We have the time!
-Write a book
-Make an online video of something you want to teach others
-Clean out a closet, drawer, donate what you don't need
-Play a game and connect with others, even if it's virtual
*Physical distancing is a better term than social distancing. We are social beings. It is in our DNA to be part of a community/tribe. Make sure to stay connected to each other.
Most importantly...
Make decisions out of love, not fear.
There are a lot of triggers we are all being confronted with. Whether it be an avoided difficulty in a partnership, family conflict, a fear of being alone, a question of our meaning and purpose as maybe our role has changed (provider, stay at home caretaker and full-time employee). We may be tempted to lose ourselves in T.V., Facebook, and other social media, but instead can we use this collectively painful experience to reflect, lean into our fears, and challenge ourselves to find what is the most meaningful part of life? Can we use this time to look at what we have been avoiding and explore, learn, and grow from it? How can we adapt and navigate through a whole new normal? What is this trigegring for us?
"What the caterpillar calls the end, the world calls a butterfly."
-Lao Xu
We may not see the whole picture as of now. We are in the stage of transformation. We are in our cacoons (homes) transforming and discovering a new reality. We can use this time to play an active role in this this metamorphosis that symbolizes the caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
Ideas on how to go inward...
Although we may have more time than we ever imagined, not all of it has to be spent on facing some of our shadows. I recommend exploring some of these options for 20-30 minutes a day, then go do something fun (I have ideas for that too).
Is there anger stirring up? Write an unsent, unfiltered anger letter to whomever or whatever is triggering this (a situation-maybe Covid-19). Use this time to unbury was has been dormant or suppressed. If there is excess anger that is being outwardly expressed in an unhealthy way, try to write an empathy letter to whomever or whatever is triggering this.
Lean into this. Notice the sadness; are there tears you are holding back? Can you allow them to be there? Can you honor the pain that you feel by compassionately allowing yourself to feel? Maybe you can journal or write an unsent letter to the person or the situation that is hurting you.
Ask yourself, "What can I choose right now?" "If I had all the courage (not recklessness-stay inside) in the world, what would I do?" "What am I afraid of?" Lean in...notice the fear, be present with it. The more we run from something the more it grows and unconsciously controls us.
Make a Values List
What are the things that you most value in your life? Are you living your life in accordance to these values? What needs to change?
Everything in moderation. Although it is very important to reflect and explore our wounds and triggers, it is just as important to balance that with joy and finding meaning and purpose to all of this.
It may seem like there isn't anything going right in the world, but take a moment and reflect. What are you grateful for today? Write down at least 3 things a day.
Learn Something New
What is something you have always wanted to learn or do more of in your life? Now is the time!
-Learn a new language
-Learn how to play an instrument that has been sitting in your house
Create a Schedule/Routine
Although we may have all this free time, it is extremely important to create structure. If you are struggling with this, make a schedule the night before on what you will do the next day.
More Ideas...
-Meditate (link below)
-Do yoga or other type of exercise
-Foster a pet (link below)
-Read a book (minimize exposure to news)
-Reach out to a friend, family member, or neighbor
-Have a Zoom party!
-Connect with nature. Notice something that you have never noticed before on your walks. Take the time to notice each tree, each flower, the color, the texture. We have the time!
-Write a book
-Make an online video of something you want to teach others
-Clean out a closet, drawer, donate what you don't need
-Play a game and connect with others, even if it's virtual
*Physical distancing is a better term than social distancing. We are social beings. It is in our DNA to be part of a community/tribe. Make sure to stay connected to each other.
Most importantly...
Make decisions out of love, not fear.
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